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‘Hamilton’s’ Revolution: Are We Ready to Start Our Own?

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Hamilton, oh Hamilton, such a determined revolutionary. The Tony Award-winning play hit the Fox Theatre stage to inspire and dazzle the masses. The dramatized historical story captivates with its content. The whole musical delivers so many messages contributing to the lives of people present with a mix of sadness, love, satire, anger and, of course, comic relief.

Leaving the audience in tears (literally and figuratively), the show broadens people’s horizons through its extensive call to action and discussion of revolutionary concepts. The question is: Are people willing to actually step out and change the way they think?

Introducing rap into a traditional Broadway musical keeps the play upbeat. However, it tests peoples’ mental limits through its riveting nature. Characters in the play are speaking to us and showing a revolution is possible. If we really want it, can “Hamilton” be the guide that we all need? As stated in “My Shot,” “it’s not a moment, it’s a movement.” Wake up get ready, and let’s start now!

In the story, Alexander Hamilton (portrayed by Austin Scott) and other characters build the new (Britain-less) America. It takes a modern approach on the history we know so well. However, the musical is more relatable to viewers. People understand the rap and funky dance moves, so it brings an uprising to life. The characters are determined and never stop the endless fight for freedom.

If only “We the People” today would unite in that sense, we could be an even greater America. We could be a better country and we could unite the entire world. No, we are not trying to part from Britain again, but shouldn’t we try and shake up the society written for us? One very strategic scene from the Act One musical number “Yorktown” calls out: “Black and white soldiers, wonder if it means freedom.” That powerful statement is just one that revolutionizes peoples’ thoughts, and it shuts down racial inequality.

“Hamilton” stimulates peoples’ thoughts — however, we must further stimulate our society. The musical is an amazing depiction how people of different social status, genders and races come together for change. They tackle the world that was set up for them, and that fight never stopped.

If our society could come together like that, we would be unstoppable. Although times did get hard, the fight was worthwhile. A quote from George Washington in the musical number “Right Hand Man” (revolutionarily Black as depicted by Carvens Lissaint) reads: “Dying is easy, but living is harder.” This shows how we have to work to get the freedom we rightfully deserve. We owe it to ourselves and for other generations to come.

“Hamilton” puts out concepts the world needs to hear. It tells us to write out our thoughts, escape bias, fight for what we love and be all that we can be. Let’s change the things we previously chose to accept, and be like the individuals in “Hamilton” who embody strength.

Another important tactic for the revolution learned from the show: write everything down, and as the characters in “Aaron Burr, Sir” teach us, “Don’t let anyone know what you’re against or you’re for.” This can help us get around the system and educate masses for change. It doesn’t happen overnight, but we must fight to get the change we need. As the characters sing in “That Would Be Enough,” ”Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now.” Let’s be alive and motivate others to be better for our world.  

“Hamilton” is a revolutionary concept in its own right. The question we should really be asking is this: Are people really willing to change the way they think? If an immigrant man and other individuals with different backgrounds can do it, can’t the rest of the world do it, too?

The need is greater than ever, and we should change the world while we can. Let’s be the youth of the now and stay motivated in times of need. Hamilton died 214 years ago, but this play is a reminder that he lives.

As stated so purely in “The Story of Tonight:” “We may not live to see our glory.” Following up with “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story” at the end of Act Two, although Hamilton did not live to see his glory, it exists.

The musical’s creator Lin-Manuel Miranda is living to tell the story, and it is reaching the minds of the world. Let’s stand up and be the change in the world. I’m ready! Let’s join together if you are, too!

India, a 16-year-old who attends Westlake High School, urges everyone to see “Hamilton” for the #Culture, listen to its litty soundtrack or just watch the fan-ficts.

Five VOX journalists got to see “Hamilton” on press night thanks to our partnership with Broadway in Atlanta and Most Valuable Kids-Atlanta, providing opportunities for local youth to experience arts and culture.

The show runs through June 10 at the Fox Theatre. 

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