With Disney's endless sequels and adaptations coming out constantly, it’s hard to wonder why we as consumers should be driven to care about "Toy Story 4." Read on
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"Toy Story 4" teaches us it's healthy and beneficial to move on. For me, I could relate the transition from my middle school to my new high school. Read on
What was once a story of a boy and his toys turns into a constant action film that only ends with the disappointment, seeing the toys face betrayal. Read on
VOX ATL teen writer Brooklyn breaks down plots and new characters to state her case for why 'Toy Story 4' is better than its predecessor. Read on
Nothing about either track is unexpected for a Bon Iver release. Instead, both tracks feel familiar, like maybe they were forgotten, lost somewhere in his discography, and Vernon is simply bringing them back to our attention. Read on
Tyler really took his time with “Igor” and gave us a truly versatile album that lays love on the line, and really shows what love can do to you. Read on