As a woman, I like to know that I will be able to be fresh, clean and comfortable when that time of the month rolls around. Women experiencing homelessness, however, do not always have this luxury. Read on
Personal / all
Poverty is more than children living in third-world countries you see on television commercials with sad music playing in the background. It can be right next door. Read on
You are worthy and capable of every single opportunity the world has to offer you. Never doubt your abilities, because where you go to school doesn’t define you. Read on
VOX ATL went to the Partnership Against Domestic Violence’s Teen Summit, where teens crafted vision boards inspired by dialogue about self love, performed pieces of songs and poetry, and practiced communication around boundaries. Read on
All that we students ask is that people work toward making a change and that we gain our safety so that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is the last shooting. The last lives lost from a school shooting. And the last grief caused by a school shooting. That is ALL we ask to be worked for. Read on
The experience of not having my phone wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. In the beginning I believed I was going to be miserable and my phoneless days would be the worst days of my life. Read on