It’s the sort of music that you play in your headphones as you stare at your ceiling, or out the window of a car. The sort that plays as the protagonist in the film is at her lowest point, getting honked at for crossing streets without looking, sitting at coffee shops and perhaps even staring out of a window herself. Read on
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Teens in the Vox Media Cafe got a chance to interview Toy Story 4 and PIXAR animator Neil Helm about his journey from starting on the 2010 film "Up" and now working on one of the biggest movies of the summer, "Toy Story 4." Read on
With Disney's endless sequels and adaptations coming out constantly, it’s hard to wonder why we as consumers should be driven to care about "Toy Story 4." Read on
The war in Darfur, Sudan is also known as the Land Cruiser War, is a crisis and conflict that started in February 2003, when different movements such as the ‘Sudan Liberation Movement’ and the ‘Justice and Equality Movement’ groups started speaking up and against the government. Read on
"Toy Story 4" teaches us it's healthy and beneficial to move on. For me, I could relate the transition from my middle school to my new high school. Read on
"With all of this fake information flying around many people are left wondering how they can actually make a difference to help those suffering in Sudan," writes VOX ATL's Emma Mac. Read on