Jennie Matos, 14, chronicles her journey as a black girl attending a PWI. "I can go to their school but will never be a part of their school community." Read on
My Story / all
"Seeing someone with my cultural background doing nothing about the blatantly immoral actions right in front of him shook me to my core," writes VOX ATL's James Rhee. "It was then that I realized we, as an Asian community, have been doing the same thing for decades." Read on
When I was in middle school, my mother would let me buy snacks while she filled her gas tank. One day, we stopped by a Stone Mountain gas station to… Read on
Although most of my life has come to a halt, the Strong Women Fellowship and VOX ATL continued to keep me connected, one Zoom call at a time. Read on
As I got out of the car, I experienced discomfort and reality. I was the only black man visible for miles. I felt out of place. Like I didn’t belong. Read on
"Many of us were excited for our parents and others to see us walk across the graduation stage, but instead we are left walking in the dark amidst a global pandemic." Read on