In the past few years, animated films like "Onward" and "Coco" have slowly changed the blueprint, guiding younger audiences through life’s more difficult topics. Read on
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"It’s true that 'Onward' follows an almost formula of Pixar’s movies, but that’s not necessarily a negative as it manages to still hit home its emotional beats despite that." Read on
Pixar animator Kelsey Mann came to Atlanta’s SCAD Show for an early screening of “Onward” and to give a presentation on what the story department does. Read on
VOX ATL's Adam Dickerson questions whether upcoming A Quiet Place sequel is a necessary addition to the post-apocalyptic genre. Read on
As the first-ever foreign language Best Picture Oscar winner, teens should overcome their fears about films with subtitles and check out "Parasite." Read on
Overall, “The Band’s Visit” is an uneven mess with some stellar performances and songs, that get weighed down by a plot devoid of light, showing that some things should remain movies. Read on