Finally, a Spider-Man movie faithful to Stan Lee and Steve Ditko’s original creation: an awkward kid, crawling his way through high school (who happens to have super powers). Read on
Media Analysis / all
re:imagine/ATL's "NO COMMENT" is a digital network featuring content conceived, produced and distributed by Atlanta teens. The first episode, 'Identity,' premieres tonight, opening night of the Atlanta Film Festival. Read on
The constant portrayal of black men as angry and belligerent is part of what leads people to generalizing these traits among all black men. Read on
This week's 89th annual Academy Awards telecast was easily one of the most surprising Oscar ceremonies in quite some time. Now we take a look at the winners of some of the biggest awards of the evening and see how correct our predictions came out in the long run! Read on
Each year, we look forward to the large selection of funny, emotional, outrageous and entertaining commercials that debut during the Super Bowl. Read on
Given that I was wearing my direct-from-school inordinately bright blue shorts and a plain white T-shirt in a meeting space filled with older business men and women carefully dressed in sharp… Read on