Coupled with the fact that Valkyrie is a black female, she serves as a direct reflection of my own reality. Read on
Media Analysis / all
Twitter is my favorite application. I use it to watch and share funny videos with my friends and to receive information about important national and international news. Read on
The economic benefits, jobs and education associated with the booming film industry in Atlanta are all fantastic, but this question still stands: Where do young people fit into this new industry and how do we get involved? Read on
Fans were outraged that Dexter was left off of XXL Magazine's freshman cover. I was a little surprised too, but I thought I understood why: Famous Dex was caught on video assaulting his girlfriend. Read on
A quick review from a non-superhero geek of Marvel's “Spider-Man: Homecoming” (in theaters July 7). My perspective comes through the eye your average film-goer. Read on
Not only was I excited for the Black Panther trailer this summer, I was also excited to finally see women of color represented in a film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or the MCU. Read on