"Dear Evan Hansen" focuses on the real issues teenagers face in a high school environment, including anxiety, without delving into cliches. Read on
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For me, “Dear Evan Hansen” is too praised and comes up too short addressing a topic too serious —mental health — to critique it lightly. Read on
In this episode of the VOXCast Mack and Adam debate on if Jordan Peele's "Us" is actually a great movie or just a confusing piece of film. SPOILERS. Read on
In 2019, change is knocking on the door, and it won’t take no for an answer. Women in Hip-hop and R&B are making strides to elevate both their music and each other. Read on
After the tragic events of “Avengers: Infinity War,” millions of people were left wondering what the fate of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be after Thanos wiped out half of… Read on
The four-time Tony nominated musical “Waitress” follows the tumultuous and tragic marriage of Jenna and Earl and her extreme talent for … pies? Based on the 2007 film by Adrianne… Read on