This was not a suicide attempt. This was the precursor. This was the consideration. I should’ve called a helpline. Or texted. Or called my psychiatrist. I should’ve done something to help me recover. Read on
Health and Wellness / all
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 911. The organizations below are linked; you can click on them to go to their websites. 24/7 Hotline… Read on
Through a variation of soothing but upbeat melodies, uniquely textured vocals and piercing lyrics, 19-yer-old Khalid’s first album “American Teen” grabbed my soul and has not yet let go. Read on
Kate’s Club teens speak up about their grief journey. Read on
Could the reason men aren’t as likely to seek help be a consequence of the “boys don’t cry” notion? Or could it be linked to the image of the nearly emotionless man who only shows anger and keeps every other emotion hidden tightly under a mask of proving manliness? Read on
While mental illness is the result of many biological and environmental factors, there are tools we can use to build positivity and stress resilience. Here are some tips from students who have been there. Read on