I walked out of the Hyatt Regency where the GA Democrats held their election night party with my head in my hands and tears welling in my eyes. I was defeated. I called an Uber to bring me home, and removed each of the buttons and pins and stickers from my jacket, just in case my driver was for the other candidate. Read on
Atlanta Teen Voices / all
i want a home without death without fear //
the house i live in struggles with welcoming me //
it doesn’t accept my skin just because it is riddled in naps & honey // Read on
I am so thankful that you take care of yourself every single day. I am so honored to become you. The most powerful thing you are showing me is what is possible with our life. I can’t wait to meet you. Read on
You will graduate from college. You will find a balance between being young and a parent to your siblings. I love you. You are truly resilient, boo. Never let someone else make you feel as if you do not belong. Always remember where you come from and the power of giving back. Read on
I am girl/and girl does not mean/“Sexualize me”/“Pry me apart”/“Look me up and down.” Read on
I had the most fun time creating the music video for 18-year-old Jayla Darden's "That's Just Life." Nine Atlanta teens worked together to create this video. Read on