Planned Parenthood’s Teen Action Group recently invited VOX to lead a workshop about empowering youth to lead and create change in communities. After several activities and discussion, the teens created this video and… Read on
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The truth is, the more education you have, the more money you can earn. Read on
Our class is studying various issues related to race in today's society. For our class project, we chose to create a video that shows how racial profiling affects each person of color, regardless of his or her economic background. Read on
Events such as Teen Convene are especially important in the intense and divisive political climate that we are experiencing right now, because it encourages us to get out of our comfort zone, talk about controversial topics that need to be addressed, and connect with people who we may not usually have the opportunity to connect with. Read on
When the girls began to write, it was evident they could communicate their despair through these pieces. I was so proud to see people in my generation be so aware of the issues in the world and be able to talk in a calm manner about how it's affecting their families. Read on
Editors Note: Cleave Poetry is an experimental form of poetry that allows the reader to look at a poem in parts or as a whole. Both the left and right sides… Read on