Learning these habits now will help you in the future when you get money regularly and you are being wonderfully independent. Saving now saves you later. Read on
Advice / all
Here are my top five fashion tips for back to school shopping that will help get you through school. Read on
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard teens and adults say they only vote or would only vote during the presidential elections. It is important to vote every time the opportunity presents itself because it is a rolling process. Read on
As I realize that my junior year, probably the most important academic year of high school, is closer than ever, naturally I’m stressing about everything related to junior year. I even stressed considerably about writing this story about junior year. Read on
Hands down, 1996 was one of the most important time periods to all mankind. It was the year Kevin Lyman started the largest travelling music festival, Vans Warped Tour, also… Read on
You should believe that you’re beautiful and awesome. So, the next time you look in the mirror say, “I’m a confident and empowered woman.” Read on