Meet a group of advocates and leaders aiming to replace the aged expression “disconnected youth,” with the updated term “opportunity youth.”
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Advice / all
If you could write a letter to your past self, perhaps as a forewarning of relationships to come, what would you say? Read on
You are worthy and capable of every single opportunity the world has to offer you. Never doubt your abilities, because where you go to school doesn’t define you. Read on
There are three marches and/or walkouts being organized on March 14, March 24, and April 20. They all have the same general aim of insisting immediate government action to pass a bill addressing the current gun issues in the nation, but have slightly different reasons for their existence and ways to participate in them. Read on
VOX ATL went to the Partnership Against Domestic Violence’s Teen Summit, where teens crafted vision boards inspired by dialogue about self love, performed pieces of songs and poetry, and practiced communication around boundaries. Read on
As school shootings continue to happen in America, many people are debating if teachers should be armed and trained to protect students during an emergency. A group of teens at VOX ATL spoke out about this issue and how it can affect them. Read on