I Am Black Afrikan American, and nothing will change that Kinky coils in my hair, black and sometimes nappy Brown skin, chocolate charm, dark and happy My name is Zakai… Read on
Tag Archives: VOX Teen Poetry
VOX ATL writer Maya shares a new poem, "Feathers." Read on
I named him sky, the golden boy Skin bright, beams bouncing off my hippocampus cold-hearted and hot-headed So high my eyes turned red for him Sky spoke of home like… Read on
managing my cold sweats and nightmares is quite a task By quite a task I mean extremely difficult, seemingly impossible, and nonetheless necessary so I split myself in two for… Read on
VOX ATL's James Rhee delivers a poem about being OK with where you are. Read on
This is a disappearing act. It is strange how phone calls sound like alarms How alarms ring of tornado warnings How tornado warnings mirror evacuation sirens. I am often victim… Read on