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VOX Teen Poetry: “Momma”

by share

A role model, guide, an angel. The person that has had the most influence on my life is, my mother.

Although everyone has their experiences with their mother and may have loved the same way; mothers as nurturers makes us feel this way.

My mother has gotten me through times of need, when I was afraid, when I didn’t see greatness within myself, and always shown me that she was there.

When my mother was ever in a position that wasn’t her best self, she would make sure that my life was always up to par; therefore, she settled for only greatness.

I cannot remember a time that my mother was not selfless, and did not constantly raise me to be a great individual overall. Whenever me and my siblings needed something, my mother was that guiding hand, and always ensured our success.

She influences who I am as a person, and what I can become. I couldn’t ask for anything else besides what I have now.

My mother is the epitome of kindness, grace, and essence of class.

Nothing means more to me than my mother and how she holds my family together. The glue to my heart when it is broken, the faith that I need when I am doubtful.

She is who influences me to be me.

India, 16, attends Westlake High School.

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