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Gwinnett County’s Hooked Teen Club Members Reflect on Teen Voice

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VOX presents our editors’ top picks of responses that emerged from the Hooked Teen Club in Gwinnett County writing workshop in spring 2015. Teens were asked to take two words from the word jar – to use as a prompt to share your own story about the power of their voice.

Jadon Jon’Anthony Rogers, 12, New Life Academy

My voice today matters because I am the future. My voice matter even more when I use it to encourage my peers to lead others to be prepared for what the future has for us. If my peers do that, it shows that they have courage.

Alexis McMillian, 12, Dacula Middle School

In this VOX workshop, I learned that you do not have to feel secluded from others at school. School is a place where everyone should get along no matter what similarities they share or differences they have. You should be able to build a strong relationship with everyone. Everyone has at least one thing in common and you should try to find that.

Tose Akinmola, 15, Mill Creek High School

Conquer the world? Yeah right. Right after I conquer this math homework. Right after I conquer my annoying little brother. Right after I conquer the art of how not to make a fool of myself.

Maybe I CAN conquer the world, but first I’d like to learn how to conquer MYSELF. And that’s the adventure.

Learning to navigate life’s waters and not only survive to make the journey back home, but to make the journey back changed. And to change someone else.

READ  The Thoughts Inside Podcast: Growing Up, Life After High School & Mental Health [PODCAST]

Savoy, 16, Georgia Perimeter College

Hey, you!

Don’t be afraid to SPEAK!

Don’t be scared to say what’s in your brain because of what people might think!

What you have to say is important.

What you have to say is gold.

Click “Atlanta Teen Voices” to hear from teens throughout the metro Atlanta community!

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