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Asking For a Friend: What Does Friendship Mean?

by share

I have always been fascinated with the science of astrology, interpreting the year, month, day, hour and second one was born. In doing so, I’ve discovered that both my natal sun and Venus are in the 11th house. In astrology, the 11th house is known as the “house of friendship.” So, not only does the topic of friendship whirl in the stars for me, but it clouds my head.

For the longest time, I was a self-proclaimed loner. And, in a way, I still am. However, embarking on this four-year journey known as high school has allowed me to understand the power of networking and friendship in a broader sense.

The people I’m friends with in fourth period may be nothing like the people I’m friends with in eighth period. I’ve come to the realization that friendship is not always intimate and close-knit, and that’s OK. I’ve also come to the realization that your friends have other friends as well, some they may consider closer than you, or who they share history with. However, that doesn’t make your bond any less valuable.

When interacting with others for an extended period of time, the easiest thing to do is spot their flaws; however, friendship entails knowing we are both flawed but still valuable to each other and the world at large. Above all else, I am a private being, and someone being my friend does not necessarily entail that they will know everything about me or my day-to-day life, and that’s okay, too. Navigating friendships is subjective, however worthwhile. Friendship is reciprocal in that you give in order to receive.

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I asked my girlfriends of African, Latin and European descent “What does friendship mean to you” and “How do you know when someone is your friend?” This is what they said.

breBre, 14

“Friendship is when they been there since day one and  you know they luh’ you. But, then again, you never know because they can turn their head, turn their back. And you don’t know if it’s real or not, to be honest.”

How Do You Know When Someone is Your Friend? “When they’ll do anything for you, sacrifice their own life for yours.”

Takaia, 14takaia

“Friendship is like a ride or die. I know when someone is my friend for a long time if you really know me. So, you gotta come from where I come from. You can’t just be saying ‘Girl, I know your struggle.’ Then, If I ever get mad, you gotta’ tell me if you’re a footboard or not.”

“I know someone is my friend when they support me.”

morganMorgan, 14

“A friendship is when somebody can give you criticism but in a nice way. It’s constructive criticism intended to better yourself. They can tell you if you’re lookin’ a little rough. They’re helping you out, supporting you. They’re being honest and supportive.”

How Do You Know When Someone is Your Friend? “When you can hang around somebody for so long and you don’t have to have a forced conversation, it’s just natural.”

alyssaAlyssa, 14

“Friendship to me is when someone can be there for you — through anything. Even though you may hurt them in some way, if you apologize they accept it, and go along with life; and they support you through everything you do no matter what.”
“I know when someone’s my friend when I don’t hear that they talk about me behind my back; and they’re always there for me, they support me through anything I do, and they never turn their back on me no matter what.”

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danielaDaniela, 14

“To me, friendship is when you can count on someone and you can tell them anything. And it’s just like, ‘family friend.’”

“(I know someone is my friend) When they treat you right and you can just tell them anything, and you feel comfortable around them.”

madisonMadison, 15

“When they’re not fake toward me and they accept me for who I am.”


ansleyAnsley, 14

“Friendship means a bond between people that connects them and lets them share each other’s feelings and thoughts. Someone is your friend if you feel like you can tell them anything, and [you] love to spend time with them.”


adrianaAdriana, 14

“Friendship is when you can vent to somebody and tell them anything without worrying that they’re gonna spread it around.”

How Do You Know When Someone is Your Friend? “When I can just talk to them and say whatever and be myself around them.”

brooklynBrooklyn, 14

“Friendship is whenever you can trust somebody wholeheartedly and you know they’re not gonna hurt you, and you know you’re not gonna do anything to purposely hurt them.”

“I just know. You know, you have a connection with them, you can talk to them on end for…hours, and you just know that you’re friends — like you have that gut feeling. It’s not something that you chose; I mean, I guess you can choose to not be friends with them, but you can just talk to them about anything and everything.”

Troy, 14, attends Douglas County High School.




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