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VOX ATL presents Closet Clout: Saucy Longwe [VIDEO]

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Some people say “image is everything.” Although I wish it wasn’t; I have to argue that there is some truth in this statement. For as long as I can remember, I’ve seen my peers get judged everyday for how they dressed. When I was in elementary school, I wore a school uniform that took away a piece of my self-expression. Although I wasn’t aware of it at the time, I hated being told what to wear. But hey, the cuffs were on and I didn’t have the key yet.

When I got to middle school, it seemed I was free from the cuffs but little did I know it was just an illusion. Although I could now freely express myself, I was getting bullied because I did not have certain name brands or the coolest sneakers at the time.  I realized I was a prisoner to society’s dress code.  I couldn’t help but yearn for the things my peers told me was cool. I’m not the only one. Don’t we all truly want acceptance?

But check this out, you are not the problem. Society has brainwashed us and it’s time to take the cuffs off. This series “Closet Clout” was created to allow individuals to freely express their style, sense of fashion, and what inspires the way they dress. You define what is cool or not. So wear it like you’ve got some clout.

The first guest is 17-year old rap artist Saucy Longwe (formerly known as Ryanstaysaucy) Check out what inspires his personal style, what some of his fashion pet peeves are and find out the first thing he purchased when he made some “rap money.”

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JavonJavon, 19, attends Georgia State University and when he has a vision in his head, he does all he can to bring it to life.

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