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Empowerment Resource Center hosted their 8th annual “Take Charge. Get Tested.” event June 25. National HIV Testing Day was hosted at Hurt Park, which was their free HIV testing site where Empowerment “tests about 300-500 people every year,” says Bianca Jackson, Case Manager at Empowerment Resource Center, who spoke with VOX reporters at Hurt Park…

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Recently, former NAACP Chapter President Rachel Dolezal posed as a Black woman to become president and kept up this charade for eight years — until she was recently and very publicly outed by her parents. In seemingly unrelated news, the Twitter discussion, #HowItFeelsToBeABlackGirl, was birthed last Friday. I got a chance to see what Black…

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[new_royalslider id=”4″] VOX presents our editors’ top responses that emerged from the YWCA “Let’s Talk About Race” dialogue, in winter 2014. Teens reflected on something new they learned at the workshop or took away from the dialogue. Ida Faburay, Chapel Hill Middle School I learned that it doesn’t matter what you like, what race you are, or what gender…

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