"But the beauty of truth is that, once released, it can never be sealed into one’s insides left to rot once more, or breed an outburst of anger. And once expelled and purged away, I discovered that there is room for so much more." Read on
My Story / all
"Maybe, if I can come out to people as though it’s nothing more than a fact of life, I can convince myself to be comfortable in my life... If enough queer people can be comfortable in their truth, maybe we can create a culture where I don’t have to worry about who I come out to." Read on
Teen staffer Aryanna Brown, 17, reassures readers that it is okay that they don't have their future figured out just yet, as life is only beginning. Read on
Finally! Season four of the VOXCast is here. This time we have VOXCast co-founders Kenneth Franklin and Khalil Shipman talking about their transitions into freshman year, of college. Read on
Imagine if every time you come back to school, you drive through a town called Lynchburg and are forced to see a Confederate flag flying in the air and you have a slight feeling that you might not make it back home because you might be harmed by someone who doesn't want you there. Read on
I’m growing up in a generation that relies on technology for everything. I’m forming my opinions and values based on my experiences, which are either filtered through the internet, or created by it. Read on