Mental Health / all
So what are the benefits of getting up so early to run a 5K/10K anyway? Well to start, running is said to lift symptoms of depression and improve your mood because it serves as a way for the mind to quiet down and relieve stress. Read on
Imagine, you’re in the bathroom staring at yourself in the mirror. You’re sobbing uncontrollably, and your fists are clenched. You growl at yourself the same words, “Stupid! Idiot! Bi*ch!” Then… Read on
Phrases such as “walk it off” and even “just drink water” are a few examples of what has been used to deflect problems and have caused unnecessary obstacles for teens’ mental health care. Read on
VOX Investigates contributor Haley Henderson shares her personal story of defining herself beyond a mental illness. Read on
I am so glad that a show like this exists to begin the much needed conversation about mental illness. Anxiety is not a joke. Read on
As a part of our Vox Investigates: Mental Health coverage, we sat down with teens from Meadowcreek High School to get their thoughts on how mental health is handled in school. Read on