In the new Netflix docuseries ”Jeen-Yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy,” a filmmaker named Clarence `Coodie” Simmons interviewed iconic rapper Kanye West when he was just a producer and no one really knew him.… Read on
Entertainment / all
In this episode of Teens Talk TV, VOX ATL board member Zariah Taylor revisits two of Shonda Rhimes’ most successful TV shows, “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Scandal” to determine what’s still… Read on
Welcome to Harmless Debates, a podcast here at VOXATL where teens come together to discuss pop culture topics all the way from new TV shows to new indie and pop… Read on
Singer-songwriter Mitski has a lot to say about her career on her latest record, “Laurel Hell.” Released on February 4, “Laurel Hell,” tells the dark and dramatic tale of her… Read on
In early November, the film adaptation of the late Jonathan Larson’s autobiographical, one-man rock musical, “tick, tick . . . BOOM” was released on Netflix. After seeing all the buzz… Read on
Welcome to Harmless Debates, a podcast here at VOXATL where teens come together to discuss pop culture topics all the way from new TV shows to new indie and pop… Read on