We have all heard of foster care. However, little about the thousands of children and their experiences are ever brought to the public’s attention. Read on
Atlanta Teen Voices / all
If you could write a letter to your past self, perhaps as a forewarning of relationships to come, what would you say? Read on
With the parent-teen relationship, there should be privacy when it comes to their bedroom, journals, bathrooms and things of that nature — unless parents believe they have plans to harm themselves or other people. Read on
There's a bill under consideration this week that would extend foster care benefits to youth after age 18. Ann speaks up about why it's important to her and other youth who've been there: "It's kinda hard for us to grow up as fast as the system wants us to and we're not ready for it. And our brains aren't ready for it." Read on
I march because I wonder… at what point is our right to not be murdered more important than one’s right to bear arms? Read on
Why are we relying on 18th-century laws to regulate 21st-century weapons? Read on