So, of course Atlanta has a lot of hip-hop musicians. But what about the other Atlanta musicians, those who aren’t following the hip-hop mainstream of their native city? Do indie guitarists or R&B singers have a more difficult time than a rapper or hip hop producer? Read on
Atlanta Teen Voices / all
"Implementing small changes you will stick to will have a more considerable effect than more enthusiastic changes that you can’t keep up with (or don’t fit with your lifestyle)," writes VOX ATL staff member Sophie James. Read on
"Teen vaping is affecting this generation of young adults in a repulsive manner." Read on
Phrases such as “walk it off” and even “just drink water” are a few examples of what has been used to deflect problems and have caused unnecessary obstacles for teens’ mental health care. Read on
VOX ATL teamed up with Writing Our Wrongs to invite teens at the Historic Young YMCA in Southwest Atlanta to speak about what they would like to change in their community and they also shared advice to fellow teens about how to rise above their circumstances. Read on
"Blackness is not a rigid definition provided by anyone, even ourselves. But is inherently the celebration of what makes us unique and how we are all pulled back together by a commonly shared and rich history." Read on