With college deadlines looming, here is some crucial advice from past VOXers on how to find money and make friends for college. Read on
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"How do you deal with parents who don’t trust you with your significant other? Sex is the farthest from my to-do list, but they can’t grasp that." Read on
This new advice column is for those of you who don’t know who to turn to when you are curious or confused. Read on
Teens today from almost any background now have the tools necessary to start a filmmaking career. Read on
Before it became popular, shopping at thrift stores, now called “thrifting,” meant that you were sure to be subject to bullying and judgement often times due to the the stigma that you were wearing someone else's’ throwaways. Read on
Atlanta has numerous opportunities for queer teens to feel valued, whether that means hanging, getting accessible health care or finding housing. Read on