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Inspiration by Re:imagine ATL

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This PSA is informative for teens to be aware of the dangers of sex trafficking in the Atlanta area. 

Teens created this video — and several others — as part of Re:imagine ATL, an organization that started more than two years ago by an Atlanta native, Susanna Spiccia. Driven by the intention to bring teens from different areas together, Spiccia says she created this organization where teens can create original music and content.

Starting in only two high schools, North Atlanta High School and Douglass High School, Spiccia says the program will soon be in 10 high schools within the Atlanta area. Re:Imagine also has a summer camp called The Green Room. 

VOX is proud to share some of the videos teens created that are both relevant and informative to teens. 

Screen Shot 2016-06-09 at 10.33.08 PMSTEM Rap PSA

This student-produced music video explains the how STEM — also known as science, technology, engineering and math — can help a student and any career they plan to pursue.



This emotional student-written music video follows three teens overcoming conflicts in their lives, and it addresses the importance for teens to not give up when faced with a problem but take something negative and turn it into something positive.


This video follows a fictitious homeless boy who is led to steal food in order to keep from going hungry and finds others like him and shares with them. This video is relevant because it makes teens aware of homelessness and inspires them to be more thoughtful when they see homeless people.


In an attempt to encourage physical activity, this video highlights the importance, health benefits and fun that can come through physical activity.

For more of Re:Imagine ATL’s videos, check out their YouTube page.


To share your original videos or voices with VOX, see our Atlanta Teen Voices program, or just email us!

Dasia Evertsz is a 17-year-old rising senior at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School.

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