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The Mysterious Eye: Who I am (who I am through my art.)

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Artist statement: I am a leader. I am strong. I am outgoing. I am different. I am me. I am dark skin. I am young. I am creativity. I am the future. I am caring.

The Mysterious Eye. Age, 15. Fulton County.


There are bigger and greater things ahead. You have to look beyond the lenses. Sevierville, TN. March 4, 2021.


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The Mysterious Eye is a young 15-year-old African-American woman. She is a 10th grade student of Fulton County Schools. She is a leader among her peers and an inspiration to others. She puts others first and expands her lenses beyond the present time. The Mysterious Eye does not let her past define her but continuously smiles through the hurt.

To me justice is being at peace, and being able to feel comfortable in my own skin and community.




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