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VOX Teen Poetry: As a Black Teenager…

by share

As a black teenager….

I feel trapped

Trapped in this constant cycle of having the tiniest bit of hope…

In a land where I am not safe simply because of my existence.

I can’t escape this environment no matter what I do.

Can’t look on the news, my brothers and sisters are losing their lives in the headlines.

Can’t go on the internet, hate speech and misinformation is being spread there.

Can’t go outside, the pandemic and the violence on the streets are prohibiting me.

Can’t do anything but sit at home and feel depressed and distraught.

Now is not a good time for the black teenager.

Our happiness is deteriorating.

As our existence is fading…

And it seems like no matter what we do about it, nothing will change.

However, while my hope is in danger of fading as well,

It is not gone completely.

When I look around me, I also see people of all races, genders, and nationalities on our side.

To those people, I say thank you for your support. 

No matter how enclosed you feel, please don’t ever give up.

We must break free of this trap.

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comments (11)

  1. Tony Phillips

    Powerfully, passionately, and beautifully said…

  2. Norma Baker

    Christina your thoughts are very well written and represent not only black teenagers but, All whose natural outer covering has more Melanin than those who don’t. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  3. Minister Beverly Davis

    I am in total agreement with the poet. We are at a pentical where the ‘ Boil’ of INJUSTICE finally come to a ” Ratical ” head. Who do we ‘ trust ?’ Who do we look to?!!! His name is Jesus Christ!!!

  4. Mrs. Urenna' N. Crawford

    Christina has always been a deep thinker and very passionate about whatever task she endeavored to under take. Besides being a wonderful writer, she is an awesome actress. She has the ability to interpret and the creative talent to deliver. I am proud to have worked with her. Christina live your best life. Make your mark and don’t let life mark you.

  5. Pamela Bray

    Awesome Article!
    Keep it up!

  6. Barbara

    The poem touched my heart. I am sure many teens share your inner thoughts. But this will all be over one day. Hold on to your goals. You will reach them. Praying God will allow a cure for this pandemic and hope will not fade. Continue your writing. You are sooo talented.

  7. Cynthia

    Christina your poem is heartfelt and represents what many are feeling. I was very young during the Civil Rights Movement and was not engaged. But as I watch the young people and those of different races come together for the change I am encouraged. We can’t loose hope or ever give up. I know that God sees all and in his time his will shall be done. Our trust, hope, and faith no matter the times must Always remain with God. He will never leave or forsake us. A thousand years is like day to God but he has not forgotten us. He sees it all. We must each do our part and support in away that God gets the glory.

  8. Llana Hunter

    Christina it is so good to hear feedback from the voice of a young black teen. Very insightful!

  9. Michell Jackson

    Keep finding avenues to express your feelings and thoughts in a constructive manner! Great job young lady!

  10. Valerie C.


  11. India

    Powerful and very strong and thankful that you realize, we can’t give up.