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Job Shadow: A Day in the Life of a Lawyer

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This month during spring break, I went downtown to shadow Jamie Perez. Jamie is a lawyer who works for the Safe and Stable Families Project of Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation. Not only did I get to shadow Jamie but the other lawyers working there as well. Instantly, I felt welcomed because everyone was so kind.

Jamie told me what we would be doing the whole day, and I was excited. The first thing I learned was what a protective order is. A temporary protective order is given after paperwork is filed and the person requesting the order goes before a judge. After this I went to the court room and met the judge who was in charge, Judge Houston. She went through a list of petitioners and responders to see if they were present.

The week of my job shadow was also National Crime Victims Rights Week. To mark the occasion, there was a mile walk and speeches scheduled. Unfortunately we did not walk because the wind was heavy and it was very chilly outside. I did get to hear some survivors’ stories, and I was very moved at their strength. Three words that are important to important to survivors and the people who help them are : strength, resilience and justice.

Empty shoes outside the courthouse symbolize crime victims in the Atlanta community.

When I got back upstairs, I got to shadow Lilli Crowe as she listened to an intake and wrote the legal documents about what happened and what the person wants. After hearing an intake, I shadowed Nilufar Abdi-Tabari. I watched her E-file paperwork that had just been filled out requesting a judge grant a temporary protective order. The judge then gives the person a court date, and in that time they have to “serve” or summon the other party to be present on that day as well.

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My day was very fun and educational, and even though I would like for my future job to be in the psychology field, I was able to see how both jobs can come together. I had so much fun that I may go back during the summer to help out.

Jade, 16, attends Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School who never thought about being a lawyer until this experience.

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