In many movies set in the Civil Rights era, women of color are the wives and sisters, and they are in the back. But in "Hidden Figures," the women are front, center and launching a man into space. Read on
Race/Ethnicity / all
I won’t tell you I am not afraid
Just to keep the fear to myself and never bring it to your point of privilege... Read on
“Hidden Figures” is a testimony to the struggle of women of color and how important it is to have a strong support system behind you every step of the way. Read on
A majority of Americans are against the idea of slave reparations. According to a 2016 Marist Poll, 68 percent of Americans are against the idea, while less than half of millennials are against reparations. The report shows differences in attitudes based on race and generation. Read on
With a lack of ethnic diversity, many people of color dismiss themselves as imperfect and not beautiful when this is the farthest thing from truth. Read on
After seeing this movie, I felt proud to be a black woman. These three powerful women inspire me to succeed to my fullest ability in life. Read on