Hearing that refugees fleeing terrorism will be denied entry to the United States because they call themselves Muslim, angers me — to say the least. If racism and xenophobia are unfounded weapons President Trump plans to use to bat away terrorism, or at the very least people’s fear of the Other, then we will respond with protest and resistance, with colorful hijabs and Arabic that rolls off the tongue. Read on
Politics / all
My family and I began the 10-hour drive to attend the Women’s March on Washington at 2 a.m. The day we arrived in Washington D.C. was the same day Donald Trump was sworn into office. Read on
Trump is the leader of the free world but there are still certain things he can and cannot do. VOX breaks it all down for you, issue by issue. Read on
VOX spread out along the route of Atlanta March for Social Justice & Women — from the Center for Civil and Human Rights to the Georgia state capital building. Here we present a variety of stories of youth, their protests and hopes. Read on
I asked young people holding pro-LGBTQ signs or chanting the LGBTQ slogans "What do you think Donald Trump will do for LGBTQ rights in America?" Here's what they had to say. Read on
This peaceful protest, which included a march from the Center for Civil & Human Rights to the Liberty Plaza at the Georgia state capitol, was a time for people of all kinds to come out, look beyond their differences, and make their voices heard about various human rights. Read on