What would it take For a voice like mine to be heard For a body like mine to be respected For my potential to be seen In ignorance Society has… Read on
Poetry / all
Friends, there is a miracle for praise to be! For the Goddess of Justice can finally see! With the balancing scales in her right hand, Will my people finally be… Read on
I dreamt of my Harlem Renaissance, but in elementary school, we split crayons. I moved, got into the bougie school Where they talk to me about struggle, but do they… Read on
During winter a Flower bloomed White and pure just as you’d assume She was told to keep her nectar to herself As one day bees would be fighting over her… Read on
In the beginning We were together as one Living united under kingdoms Flourishing beneath our African sun Like the devil in disguise Greed conquered the motherland Gold melanin bodies Soon… Read on
I am the caramel drizzle I am the mocha found in your coffee I am the rich soil I am the cocoa bean found in the chocolate I AM THE… Read on