If you could write a letter to your past self, perhaps as a forewarning of relationships to come, what would you say? Read on
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James Taylor Odom, the young actor who played all eight of the D’Ysquith men and women who met their unfortunate end, did an incredible job of mastering each and every role. Read on
With the parent-teen relationship, there should be privacy when it comes to their bedroom, journals, bathrooms and things of that nature — unless parents believe they have plans to harm themselves or other people. Read on
The protesters were not only marching to protect themselves now, but in the future as well. Explained Walker, 13, a student at Wesley International Academy: “We’re the kids, we’re the future.” Read on
You are worthy and capable of every single opportunity the world has to offer you. Never doubt your abilities, because where you go to school doesn’t define you. Read on
We asked attendees in the estimated crowd of 30,000 some gut-wrenching questions about why guns should or shouldn’t be sold and how to get legislative response to school gun violence. Read on