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Throughout the night, the energy of the room kept increasing. Kyle pounded his bars through the mic, creating a constant hyper tangle of limbs, hair, and feet down in the sand. Kyle became a conductor on stage, throwing up his hands on a chorus and the crowd increased in volume, filling in the words. When he pointed out random fans in the crowd, on command, they let the lyrics flood out of every pore. He made sure we received the most out of him and that he received just as much from us. Read on
Although his music and productions offend people constantly, I admire the fact that he raps what he wants to rap about, and he produces what he wants to produce with no label director to answer to or a restrictive censoring agent. He is honest with himself and with his fans and I admire that, with everything he produces, he produces it only because he likes it and he thinks it’s good. Read on