"With all of this fake information flying around many people are left wondering how they can actually make a difference to help those suffering in Sudan," writes VOX ATL's Emma Mac. Read on
Environment / all
"Implementing small changes you will stick to will have a more considerable effect than more enthusiastic changes that you can’t keep up with (or don’t fit with your lifestyle)," writes VOX ATL staff member Sophie James. Read on
It is virtually impossible to eradicate climate change as a whole, but we can limit its harmful effects and decrease its significance, and it starts with teens. Read on
VOX ATL staff writer Sophie James, a 15-year old at Decatur High School, attended the Global Youth Climate Strike on March 15, 2019. Started by Greta Thunberg in Sweden, the… Read on
The distinction between insider and outsider art is a controversial topic, and is a differentiation that should be interpreted with an open mind. Labeling a large group of individuals never gives them their full justice.
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This summer I spent a week studying pollution in the Chattahoochee River, which increases each year. What can we do about the trash and pollution in our main waterway? Read on