Writer-Director-Producer Jordan Peele made a quick rise to fame with the back to back hits “Get Out” and “Us” that had everyone’s mind blown. As a mastermind of cinematography, Peele… Read on
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Today I’m counting down the top five BEST Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies, in my opinion. (SPOILER ALERT) #5: SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME This movie follows Peter Parker after getting… Read on
In this episode of Teens Talk TV, Zariah revisits seasons 1-4 of the ‘Doctor Who’ revival. Listen on Soundcloud: Listen on Spotify: Read on
In this episode of Teens Talk TV, Zariah is joined by VOX teen editor Alexis to discuss the first six episodes of HBO's 'House of The Dragon.' Read on
In this episode, VOXers Nick, Jennie, Daisy, Jackye, and Alexis discuss and reflect on the best and worst of Drake and Beyonce's 2022 House Music releases, and what it means for the music industry. Read on
I know most adults expect teens to find musicals and things of Broadway uninteresting and I agree! I’m usually not one for Broadway shows. I’m more into movies and TV… Read on