The highly-anticipated “The Rise of Sneaker Culture” made its way to Atlanta with a variety of shoes in tow to please both the seasoned art critic and the impassioned local… Read on
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Put on your nicest pair of J’s, Chuck’s or Adidas and go see The High Museum of Art’s latest exhibition, “The Rise of Sneaker Culture.” Read on
I stepped out of the elevator at the High Museum of Art and was greeted by a wall with small bios on two influential artists of the 20th century. I… Read on
Original poem by Rebecca Jeltuhin, VOX Teen Staff member. Read on
In an interview with VOX at a pre-opening sneak peek for the press, Brazilian born photographer Vik Muniz discussed his work and his advice for teens exploring art as a career. Read on
Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) was a pioneer of the Neo-Expressionism movement and one of the most prominent artists of the 1980’s. A commonality amongst the artists of the period were bold,… Read on