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A Message of ‘Hope Not Fear from the Atlanta March for Women & Social Justice

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I attended the Atlanta March for Social Justice and Women Saturday through downtown with my mother and a few people who go to my mosque.

I was there because I wanted my voice to be heard on issues like race relations and women’s rights, but also because I needed to see the hope and solidarity expressed on the faces and signs of fellow marchers in a historic moment I hope my children will someday ask me about.

President Trump, this is what democracy looks like.

My Arabic teacher explains her written English translation of the sign, “Social justice is a part of Islam.”


People begin to gather around the Center for the march.


“It was a total high to get together and discover so many people who agree on so many issues and finding that I am not alone.” – Ida Castro, National Women’s Conference of Houston, Texas, 1977.
A photographer tries to get a better view of the crowd.
This one may speak for itself.
Women and men across the nation and around the world were outraged when tapes were revealed of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women. “And when you’re a star, they let you do it,” Trump said. “You can do anything.”
This image is part of three “We the People” posters by artist Shepard Fairey.
The bridge is flooded by the seemingly never ending crowd.


A woman holds up a Palestinian flag over her head.


Maya, 16, is a senior at Warith Deen Mohammed High School in Atlanta.  She’s passionate about journalism, political satire and ice cream.

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