Atlanta Word Works / all

Poem and photo by Laila Sokera Henderson, 19, Oglethorpe University

VOX Teen Poetry: The 8th Deadly Sin

by share

y’all think God would take me to heaven tonight? and keep me safe for a week?
and then let me back down. do y’all think God would do my greedy ass one more
favor? cause I’m in that kinda pain that you can’t sleep off, I’m in that pain you
can only sleep on– but I ain’t got time to be dead, I ain’t got the privilege of dying
on my own accord, I ain’t got the guts to be so bold as to take my last breath. but
I will ask politely, with humility and hope, with sadness and strife, with truth and
for the lord to send me up broken,
and return me whole.

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