Atlanta Teen Voices / all

What came first?
The bridge of your nose?
The rise in your cheek?
Or perhaps the curve of your lip?
If I were to trace your lips with my finger would there be particles of a moon in the crevices of my finger?

Above artwork by Hananya Allen, VOX Teen Staff

VOX Teen Poetry: ‘Unknown’

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How was someone like you created?

Did a diamond fall off the edge of a star and gently kiss the sun?

Did the blazing diamond clash into one of Jupiter’s moons?

Freeing particles to glide down the Milky Way?

Did those particles decide to carefully form into the features of your face?

What came first?

The bridge of your nose?

The rise in your cheek?

Or perhaps the curve of your lip?

If I were to trace your lips with my finger would there be particles of a moon in the crevices of my finger?

When you flew so close to the sun was some of the light entrapped in your eyes?

Will the same happen to me if I look into yours too long?

Was the pigment in your skin gifted from wild flowers when you first breathed in earth’s air?

Were your fingers measured to reach the most serendipitous keys of a piano?

Did a musical genius teach you the tone of your voice by the strings of a harp?

Is your smile the lover of joy?

Did joy and your smile have offspring and birth your personality?

Or was it a supernatural occurrence?

Are you a dedicated artwork to all the beauty in the universe?

Are you the crossroads of anatomy and astronomy?

Does your hair pattern follow the course that rain takes to feed and create life?

Were your muscles etched after waves eroding stone?

Why do the words you speak inscribe themselves into my mind?

Why do you look at me so?

How did you learn my name better than I?

READ  Eye Ex Ray [Poetry]

Do you have the answer to any one of my questions?

Or are you the same as I and do not recall your creation?

I believe it all to be true.

Otherwise what other explanation would there be for you to be this beautiful?


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