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Art by Aidan Ventimiglia/VOX ATL Teen Staff

VOX Teen Poetry: Sea of Sleep

by share

blue sea, blue sky,
calls me, nearby
waves crash,
i splash, sink.

blink of an eye,
down i fall,
arms outstretched,
towards it all.

too tired
to face the day
down i sink
down away

tie a thread
to my waist
drag me out of bed
the waves to face

dark warmth
quiet peace
my true north
beckons me
threads release

angry surface,
no direction
no purpose
down i go
where i know
the sleepy sea
will catch me,
oh so gently

on the pillow
my head falls on
in the deep sea below

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About Abigail Ventimiglia

/VOX ATL Contributor

Abigail Ventimiglia, 18, attends the University of Georgia. Filled with a passion for social activism and a love for literature, she aspires to change the world, one word at a...

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