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VOX Investigates HIV among Teens in Atlanta

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This semester we’re embarking upon a journey, writing articles and creating podcasts, videos and photo galleries that all speak on HIV and AIDS in Atlanta.

In March 2015, Atlanta was ranked as the No. 1 city both nationally and internally that has a steady progression of HIV/AIDS cases.

On Aug. 22, 2015, the VOX Investigates Team got a visit and presentation by four ambassadors from the Greater than AIDS and #SpeakoutHIV movement. A few members of the team gave reflections on their initial contact with the vast amount of information shared that day.

-Sharah Hutson

To be completely honest, I am quite scared. Before this meeting, I did not know that

HIV/AIDS was so major in the city of Atlanta. Although this experience was life-changing and informative, I still do not know if in the future I could trust my partner to be clean. What if they cheat? What if I cheat? What if I get drunk and make a mistake? How will I know if I am safe? HIV/AIDS has not really impacted my life, but as said before, I am really scared for the future. — Jason Crichton

Support. Love. Faith. Acceptance. Togetherness. By sharing these positive characteristics, we are able to fight against a stigma that has been formulated all around the world. The first time I really thought about HIV and AIDS was earlier this summer when I went to Africa, as I was surrounded by various children suffering from this diseases. At the time, I was heartbroken to witness such small children suffering, having their lives being affected with these detrimental issues without having a sturdy system support system. However, since society there differs from here, those with HIV or AIDS are not simply shunned by those around. After today, I was able to understand the predicament that many people here face …  Judgment. Fear. Disgust. Isolation. These are all feelings that people diagnosed experience and go through. We need to change our perception on HIV because it does not define any one person and it does not change who they are. Simply, it is an obstacle that causes that one person to grow, overcome, gain insight, and like the men that came to talk to VOX today, it allows people to fight for a cause in order to make the world a better place. — Kriti Lodh

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Before the presentation, I knew that there was a major issue within the LGBTQA community within the realm of HIV/AIDS. Through all of the given facts, I was able to learn more about this epidemic and broaden my perspective. I had no idea of how people with HIV were able to still enjoy sexual intercourse despite having this disease. Through the presentation, I learned of different pills that assist with managing HIV and that AIDS is quite hard to combat. I still wonder about the misconceptions of how sexually active lesbian and transgender couples are able to pass HIV to each other. I intend to do further research on this topic. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire presentation. — Sharah Hutson




VOX ATL is Atlanta's home for uncensored teen reporting and self-expression. If you are a teen interested in joining us. Hit us up at

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