Atlanta Teen Voices / all

i talk about u to the sky. [cleave poem]

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Editors Note: Cleave Poetry is an experimental form of poetry that allows the reader to look at a poem in parts or as a whole. Both the left and right sides can stand as independent poems and can be read separately or they can be combined and read together. 
DeAndre Washington is an 18-year old from Washington D.C. attending Morehouse College. He has been writing poetry since he was 14. He was a member of Words, Beats, & Life’s 2016 poetry slam team, and a member of Split This Rock’s 2016 Writers Guild. DeAndre has performed at venues such as the Kennedy Center, Teach for America events and many others around the District of Columbia.


Interested in poetry? 

Maya Angelou Rise EviteOn Saturday, Feb. 18, VOX is partnering with Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) to celebrate Maya Angelou’s legacy with And Still I Rise Teen Spoken Word Workshop (1-2:45 p.m.) and Poetry Slam (3-5 p.m.). Bring friends, bring poems, bring yourselves for an afternoon of art not ego and inspiration! IT’S FREE!

Click here to register.

VOX welcomes Atlanta-area teens’ original poetry for publication. Just email your work, along with a headshot or accompanying piece of art, with your name, age and school (if in school) to

READ  Atlantis [POETRY]

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