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‘Endgame’ is the Perfect Culmination of ‘The Avengers’ Era

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Alas, this is the moment all Marvel “Avengers” fans have been waiting for. With the release of “Avengers: Endgame,” fans stretching far and wide — no matter the race or gender — everyone came to see the next best thing since “Infinity War.” It was the moment to figure what the heck happened to our beloved Avengers, including Spider-Man, Black Panther (a personal favorite), and even “Guardians of the Galaxy’s” Gamora. Also, to figure out WTF does Thanos have going on, and where did he put the heroes we grew up with?

Now, I can’t spill the tea just like that. However, I can tell you the themes I love in the film. The things that make the film amazing, and that made me scream “This go hard, bruh” every five seconds. Many tears were shed, many laughs were had, and the entire time I was left on my toes. Please believe that every second, you will be on your toes waiting to see what happens next. Literally, I had to pace myself throughout the film  (inserts serious emoji).

On a serious note though, it touches on regaining hope, family ties, girl squads, and most definitely the end of an era. The film means a lot for the Marvel world, and it teaches us valuable lessons along the way. Themes that made me realize that this is actually the end of a nostalgic era for REAL MARVEL FANS!!! If it hasn’t hit you yet… the title is “Endgame,” meaning the end of our childhood Avengers. The end is the “inevitable” truth we have to face (wink wink).

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The loss of the heroes in the prelude, “Infinity War,” serves as motivation for the remaining characters to build morale and try to get up, get out, and get something. They really had to find themselves in order to complete this final mission. They also had to find out the importance of family.

Do The Avengers avenge? That’s for you all to find out. Throughout “Endgame,”  limits are tested in ways that are riveting for the audience. The film demonstrates why the series has been iconic for years.

Transcending time and dystopia, the team has to rally together and hard decisions are made. But for our heroes, out of that comes growth and the ability to adapt to change and accept the things that come to them. On the upside, new life comes out of change, and that’s the beauty of it all. This balance creates a new take on the comics we know and love. It proves that although not everything stands still, it leaves room for new lives and ideas to shine through.

Girl squads are heavily present in the film. At the advance screening, this beautiful embrace of womanhood had me writing ferociously “Yassss girl squad” in my notebook. This was such an important thing for me to witness in the film, and for a lot of people to see in the theater. We need to see more female heroes in our generation. Little girls and boys of future generations need to know that women can help save the day and serve as important figures in our worlds (both fictitiously and in reality). This had to be one of my favorite parts in the film, realizing that #girlscan.

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This is truly the end of an era. I remember getting excited for the individual MCU films to roll out over the years, and then being lucky enough to go see them. This is such a nostalgic feeling for me to witness the end of the franchise that a lot of people know. Although it’s a bittersweet feeling, I am quite satisfied with the composition of the film and the beautiful effects that make the film as theatrical as it was.

I have no complaints, all my questions were answered, and I will always hold “The Avengers” near and dear to my heart. This was the perfect culmination of all of the films. I’m glad I got to say, “I witnessed that,” “I was a part of that,” and “Stan Lee thought of that.” This is a movie for the generations to see, and I hope you all enjoy it just as much as I did, no matter who you are and who you aspire you to be.

I hope this film shows you all that Marvel could be.

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