Affirmative action: It’s one of those issues that surfaces infrequently but stirs a lot of heated debate when it does. Depending on who you ask, it’s either a wonderful thing… Read on
Race/Ethnicity / all
To my beautiful, black, queer child / You gave me my first taste of motherhood / at the age of 6 Read on
The sun was raging. Anger was palpable, and drawl-y southern accents were slow and thick. I knew it was going to be an experience. This is what I saw. Read on
While many in support of Trump showed up for the ticketed event held at the Fox Theatre, across the street stood a conglomeration of protesters, all of whom had something to say to Trump and his supporters. Read on
Compared to most teachings of slavery, "Roots" shows us that rich culture and diverse societies existed completely independent of European enslavement or infiltration. Read on
This is the best d*mn movie I’ve ever seen. As a black teen growing up in East Point, Georgia, I am ashamed of how my peers spit in the face of our culture by not taking advantage of the opportunities that were paid for by the blood, murder and rape of our ancestors. Read on