About 100 millennials ages 13 to 29 recently met with Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff, as he urged more young voters to participate in the June 20 run-off election. Read on
Politics / all
DeVos has never taken out a loan or needed a Pell Grant. This worries me because, how can she be in charge of funding she doesn’t have any experience with? Read on
I live in Georgia’s sixth congressional district, where we are having a special election Tuesday, April 18, to fill Tom Price’s congressional seat. Today, we are experiencing history in the making. Read on
"I have always planned on going to a college in the U.S., but people have suggested looking at schools in other countries because of the current political climate in the U.S." Read on
"The Crucible" brings hope that America will not explode into chaos in these discriminatory, emotional and frightful times. Read on
The Anti-Racist Collective on my campus decided to put together a zine that delves into how we can come together during these next years. Even though many marginalized groups are being attacked, there are still those who sulk in their privileges and do not speak up for others. Read on