With college deadlines looming, here is some crucial advice from past VOXers on how to find money and make friends for college. Read on
Grad Countdown / all
If you're procrastinating right now, you might as well read VOX's Nahila Louis-Charles' piece on how to stop. Read on
"Step" breaks the negative stereotypes of inner city kids and shines a light on them. I left the theater feeling I could change the world. Read on
My freshman year was filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, and surmountable obstacles; however, I conquered them all. I have given myself the task to provide as much advice as I can to get you ready for this new level. Read on
This movie is a reminder of the importance of sisterhood, teamwork, and pure talent. Read on
Part of me — the part that aspired to be the Perfect Sophomore, the Perfect Junior, the Perfect Senior — wants to spend the summer working toward becoming the Perfect College Freshman or the Perfect Adult. But she does not exist... Read on