Catharine Hasna is an 18-year-old Atlanta resident and a high school graduate from K12 Online academy. Catharine is a hard-core human’s rights activist and a big believer in supporting mental… Read on
Education / all
Being a black girl in the current state of this country is already hard. It becomes even harder when you find yourself attending a school where more than 75% of… Read on
The Department of Education is supposed to prohibit discrimination in the school environment. They have failed to do so because in certain schools black girls and boys have been threatened with suspension because of their hair. Read on
Despite it being one of the most encouraged plans for life after high school, college is a financial commitment that goes beyond four years of education. Read on
You can’t just graduate from high school and pick a college to attend. It takes time to apply for colleges and it also takes time to get accepted. Read on
Obtaining a college degree can get you ahead in your career path and can lead to overall happiness and stability. Read on