VOX ATL visited YouthSpark to ask the girls about crisis and what it meant to them and at the end of our session, a few of them wanted to share their thoughts and experiences on paper through writing and art. Read on
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This week, I participated in a job shadow to experience what it’s really like to be a (drum roll) graphic designer! Read on
VOX Media Cafe students picked up their cameras and phones and captured the streets of Atlanta during VOX Media Cafe's second session. Read on
Maybe the atmosphere and the people who came out to the High Museum's teen night are the reason I felt better connected to the art and atmosphere in the past. So, this time I decided to connect the artwork to current memes and moods. Read on
So, this fancy-shmancy, whitey-ditey musuem stuck its only black exhibit in the basement. Read on
From intimidating sculptures of horses to abstract portraits of the night, I found that most of Atlanta's High Museum of Art comes to life by breaking from the normal and expected. Read on